Jason Pan這是一個有歷史意義的地方,我曾經不止一次造訪此地!每次來到這裡都會感受親切的禮遇,我喜愛與工作人員深度交流精神層面的意涵,很高興他們知無不言的誠懇回應。 每一個人都應該來此地參觀,站在宏偉的石頭堡建築面前學習謙卑,唯有謙卑者方能入室領受東方文化的內涵。每個樓層都可以感受到主事者的用心,不要只是匆促的走過,那會錯失領受深層的文化意義與內涵! 尤其佛教樓層的寶冠彌勒菩薩,半跏思惟透露出的寧靜氣息,彷彿菩薩凝觀悲憫蒼生為眾生祈福,引導著我們為世界的和平奉獻棉薄之力⋯!Ting LiangExcellent place to visit if you want to learn Eastern philosophy!Jonathan FangThis is an amazing place. There are so much to learn from this wonderful culture center. Docents explain all the display and bring my attentions. Couldn't wait to bring my friends and family to visit this place.Regina ST CLAREThere is no other one place where you can see, read and experience the essence of the Asian wisdom culture on three floors. Be prepared to come once and be amazed and then return for a deeper appreciation.Sherry LaiDefinitely must visit! The staffs are very kind and warmhearted. They are knowledgeable in the materials. I highly recommend visiting for those seeking tranquility in heart and mind.
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